Is Food Freedom for You?
Food freedom eliminates all diets, rules, and morality. Allowing food to be a part of your life without the need to control, obsess, worry, or stress about it. It allows you to heal from disordered eating and brings pleasure and enjoyment back to your meals. It means you get to choose foods that are in alignment with your values without stress, anxiety, guilt, or shame.
Wouldn’t it be great to…
Have the confidence you desire and it has nothing to do with the number on the scale, the food you eat or some ridiculous “ideal”
Identify and shift the limiting beliefs and sabotaging behaviours that keep you feeling stuck and lacking self-worth
Stop listening to your inner critic, embrace who you are and show up for your life unapologetically
I’m here to guide you in the direction you desire and help you find the peace you are deserving of and invite in the joy that is waiting for you!
Kim taught me so much. She taught me to love myself for all the glorious imperfections that make me who I am. She taught me to look at myself in the mirror and appreciate my physical self. She taught me to feed myself and care for myself from a place of LOVE, rather than from a place of HATE!
Tammy Adams

Focus on self-care and balanced eating. Say goodbye to food rules that perpetuate more cravings and leave you feeling out of control. There is no “perfect” diet.

Appreciate and accept the home that carries your heart and soul. Embody the belief that beauty comes in all shapes and sizes and that true beauty comes from within.

Listen and trust what your body needs. Eat for nourishment and pleasure. Feel empowered in the choices you make. No more dieting, restriction, or food obsession

No more punishing exercise! Move your body in a way that is enjoyable for you. Get your heart pumping, or take a more leisurely approach. There are no rules. It's all about what is best for you at that moment.
What’s Mindset Got Do It With It? – EVERYTHING!
As women, we can be so critical of ourselves. We show our friends kindness and compassion and cheer them on, but we struggle to do this for ourselves
Why is saying “NO” so difficult? Why do you always put other people’s needs before your own?
The confidence you see in other women, you so badly want - but how do you get there?
Your subconscious mind creates 95% of your life.
This is what is meant by; your thoughts create your reality!
Mindset must be a part of the work!

My very own experiences + transformation with subconscious reprogramming, lead me to become certified in these exact modalities NLP, EFT, T.I.M.E. Techniques, Hypnotherapy and Life + Success Coaching.
I am beyond excited to be incorporating these modalities into my coaching services to best support YOU and the freedom and transformation you desire

Fitness has been a part of my life since I was 12 years old.
That’s when I began this 30-year-long career of trying to change my body, following along with the 20-minute workout on TV in my basement. Being an instructor and personal trainer I buried myself in my work a lot. Excessive amounts of exercise, external praise and validation led to various health issues. I hid it all. My smile was packed in my gym bag each day. I was known for it. This led to 4 - 6 hours of disrupted sleep each night, body hives, challenges in my marriage and so much more.
I left my job in 2016 to begin my healing journey. Looking back it was the hardest season of my life. My life has forever changed but I have not one regret.
Fitness looks like “movement” for me now. I choose to keep moving. Strengthening my heart and muscles but now it’s about celebration, stress relief, and joyful movement that feels great for my body. No more heart rate monitors, calorie trackers and punishing exercise. No rules to how, when or why I move!
Learn More

Stop waiting for tomorrow to be kinder to your body.
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